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bnature > Articles posted by bnature admin

Gulf Women in Environmental Science

Call for women in the environmental field in the arabian gulf Open Letter to my fellow women conservationists and scientists in the Arabian Gulf, I have been wanting for the last 5 years to establish a network for women in the Arab world who work in environmental science or in conservation in general. I have attempted at reaching out to multiple entities asking for support along the years across all levels from governmental entities to NGOs including applying for grants such as FRIDA handing in proposals to enable a meeting and funds to establish a decent platform. However, things didn’t fall through and as the years...

Earth Café

What? A space to gather once a month, and talk about all things related to natural earth! Be it ecology, conservation, research, anthropogenic impacts and more Where? Emmawash Bahrain has kindly embraced us and will be sponsoring us by providing the location! When? Happening on the last Saturday of every month, keep a lookout for more details through our instagram: @bnaturebh or email us via bnature.bh@gmail.com  So, join us on the last Saturday of every month to talk science and environment over chai and karak! ...

Gulf Elasmo Project

The Gulf Elasmo Project is an initiative aimed at gaining a better understanding of elasmobranch species, abundance and distribution in the Arabian region. The project was started as part of a PhD study lead by Rima Jabado in the United Arab Emirates. Results from her research indicated that elasmobranchs in the UAE were being targeted not only for local consumption but also for the trade in shark products (especially fins and meat). Her study clearly showed that many  species were being heavily exploited and that the fishery was unsustainable. While there are some regulations and management measures across the region to protect certain species, data on most elasmobranchs remains sparse and...

Log Our Biodiversity

In 2013, Arab Youth Climate Movement (AYCM) Bahrain initiated its first citizen science program titled “Log our biodiversity” which focuses on recording species present in the Kingdom of Bahrain as a way of encouraging citizens to take an effective role in conversation and promoting collaboration between citizens and experts in the field.  The program aims to: Create a database of species present in Bahrain through logging species encountered by the public to allow for temporal comparison by scientists to be able to detect change in species presence.Educate and informing citizens on species present in Bahrain through making information and data accessible online.Enable citizens to independently log data...