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Air Quality

Air Quality in Bahrain

Contributor to this page: Mohamed Ghassan Farija. Check out our Contributors page for more information

What is air quality and air pollution?

Air Quality: Measure of how clean i.e. small amount of dirt particles and chemical pollutants.

Air Pollution: The presence of harmful or poisonous pollutants (usually a mix of chemicals, particulate and biological matter) in the air that are of detrimental impact on human health and nature.

How is air quality or measured?

Several parameters are monitored to determine air quality, chiefly nitrogen dioxide (NO2 µg/m3), sulphur dioxide (SO2 µg/m3), and particulate matter (PM10 / PM2.5µg/m3). NO2 and SO2 emissions are primarily caused by combusting fuels. 

PM2.5 and P10 refer to the aerosol particulate’s size which measures particles that are 2.5 microns or smaller in diameter and 10 microns or smaller in diameter. Elevated PM10 levels are primarily caused by natural sources, such as dust storms while elevated PM2.5 levels are primarily caused by man-made sources. It must be noted however that all GCC countries have naturally elevated levels of PM, limiting, although not nullifying, the applicability of PM as a single source determinate of air quality. PM2.5 is thought to be the most harmful to human health amongst all the other pollutants as per international standards. Health issues caused by air pollutants include breathing problems, chronic diseases, increased hospitalization, and premature mortality.

What is the status of air quality in bahrain?

In 2021, Bahrain is ranked amongst the top 10 nations with the worst air quality based on a study conducted by Swiss firm IQAir which has published its 2021 World Air Quality Report (world-air-quality-report-2021-en.pdf). 


Bahrain ranked 8th world-wide with an annual mean concentration of PM 2.5 of 49.8 µg/m3.


WHO Guidelines: It is recommended that the annual mean concentrations of PM 2.5 should not exceed 10 µg/m3 (WHO, 2021).


Data indicates that areas such as Hamad Town, Hidd, Ma’ameer, Manama, Nabih Saleh, Muharraq and Ras Hayan have the lowest levels of air quality (IAMAT, 2022). It is important to note that air quality is subjected to seasonal variations with the highest quality being recorded between June and July and the lowest between December and January.

You can check out the air quality in Bahrain in real-time via the following link: https://aqicn.org/map/bahrain/

Reasons behind the unsafe air quality in bahrain

There are multiple reasons behind the poor air quality in Bahrain. Some of these include:

  • Sandstorms
  • Industrial emissions and pollution
  • Unsustainable transportation system
  • The alarming decline of the natural green cover and green belt
Efforts to tackle air pollution

In 1986, the government of Bahrain launched its air quality monitoring program using one semi-mobile monitoring station. Seven years later, in 1993, three monitoring stations were put in place (SCE, 2022). In 2006, the monitoring stations were updated as stipulated by Ministerial Decision (10) of 2006 with the use of five modern mobile stations distributed across the country. 

Ministerial Decree (10) of 1999 provides guidelines to the general reference standards that are set for air quality. This was later amended by the Ministerial Decree (2) and (3) of 2001.

In addition, criteria has been set to determine pollutants and materials emitted from vehicles and/or exhausts and their inspection, all of which is outlined in Ministerial (8) of the year 2002.


As of 2022, no official announcement has been made by entities in the kingdom regarding current projects on the ground that are directly aimed at tackling air pollution in Bahrain.

Information Sources and References

1- WHO (2021) What are the WHO air quality guidelines? Accessed on 29 April 2022, Available Online via <https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/what-are-the-who-air-quality-guidelines>


2 – Swiss firm IQAir (2022) 2021 World Air Quality Report Accessed on 29 April 2022, Available Online via https://www.iqair.com

International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers (IAMAT) (2022) Bahrain General Health Risks | Air Pollution, Accessed on 29 April 2022, Available Online via https://www.iamat.org/country/bahrain/risk/air-pollution

3 – SCE (2022) Air Quality, Supreme Council for Environment, Accessed on 30 April 2022, Available Online via
