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Ivory Trade

Importing ivory (العاج) to Bahrain 

The first online environmental data exchange platform in Bahrain

See“About CITES” for an overview of CITES, the Appendices and Bahrain’s efforts in implementing the Convention. 

The import of Appendix-I and II specimens (which includes rhino and elephant ivory) in Bahrain follows the provisions of   Article (7) of Law No. (5) of 2021 on the Regulation and Control of International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (Article (7) of Law No. (5) of 2021.pdf) which states:


“‌ب-  في حالة استيراد أية عيِّنة نموذجية من الأنواع المدرجة في أحد الملحقين رقمي (1) أو (2)، يُشترَط الحصول على إذن مسبق بالاستيراد صادر عن المجلس في المملكة، وإذن تصدير أو شهادة إعادة تصدير من الجهة المختصَّة في الدولة المصَدِّرة.”

“In the case of the import of any specimen listed in Appendix I or II, an import permit issued by the [Supreme Council for Environment] is necessary, and an export certificate or re-export certificate from the relevant authority of the exporting State is required.”

Based on Bahrain’s CITES Law → Specimens of Appendix I and II require an import permit issued by the Management Authority in Bahrain (SCE).

ITA Bahrain – Country Commercial Guide

Customs regulations prohibit the following items from being imported into Bahrain: Raw ivory, ivory articles, and rhinoceros’ horn.

Administrative instruction circulated on the prohibition of the import of natural ivory.

(BH Customs order 1989.pdf)
Concluding call: based on the Customs 2020 Guide and Customs Administrative Note → The import of ivory into Bahrain is prohibited.

Information Sources and References

  1. قانون رقم (5) لسنة 2021 بشأن تنظيم ومراقبة التجارة الدولية في الأنواع المهدَّدة بالانقراض من مجموعات الحيوان والنبات الفِطْرية (2021).  https://www.legalaffairs.gov.bh/HTM/K0521.htm
  2. 2020. Import Customs Guide BAHRAIN. Information from FIDI Middle East & North Africa. [online] FIDI. Available at: https://www.fidi.org/sites/default/files/public/2020-03/M_Svcs_Customsregulation_Bahrain_0.pdf [Accessed 22 April 2022].
  3. International Trade Administration | Trade.gov. 2022. Bahrain – Prohibited and Restricted Imports. [online] Available at: https://www.trade.gov/country-commercial-guides/bahrain-prohibited-and-restricted-imports [Accessed 22 April 2022].
  4. Bahraincustoms.gov.bh. 2022. Bahrain Customs: Administrative instruction circulated on the prohibition of the import of natural ivory.. [online] Available at: https://www.bahraincustoms.gov.bh/sites/default/files/2020-01/%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B9%20%D8%A7%D8%B3%D8%AA%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AF%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%A7%D8%AC%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B7%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%B9%D9%8A.pdf [Accessed 22 April 2022].