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Trochus erythraeus

Marine, Species List

Phylum: Mollusca

Class: Gastropoda

Family: Trochidae

Species: Trochus erythraeus

Description: A short, robust, top shaped shell with three to four whorls that have rather flat vertical stepped sides. Each whorl has two to three spiralling grooves. There are also slightly noduled ridges, wavy ridges or nobbly coronations to the shoulder of each whorl. The umbilicus is deep but thin, the aperture can be nacreous. The underlying colour is white to grey, sometimes with a pink or lilac tinge, decorated  by numerous radiating lines of purple to black, they are occasionally wavy and often of varying thickness. Typical size: L 15-25mm, W 15-20mm

Information Source: Bahrain First National Report to the CBD (2006); Bahrain Seashells (1994)


July 16, 2022