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Bubulcus ibis

Birds, Species List

Class: Aves

Family: Ardeidae

Species: Bubulcus ibis

Common Name: Cattle Egret

Description: The population has been growing steadily over the last decade and whereas previously was only a winter visitor it has been recoreded breeding on the island.  It gets its name from the habit of following graxing animals. They feed on insects such as circkets and grasshoppers. They are recognised by the orange tones on their backs. Best seen in shallow, muddy areas such as the Tubli Bay sewage outfall, Ras Sanad mangroves, Dohat Arad and the shoreline around Alba.

Information Source:Bahrain First National Report to the CBD (2006), Birds of Dilmun (2014), A Visitor’s Guide to the Bahrain Birds (1998)



July 15, 2022